Friday, April 25, 2008


Again, it's been awhile. School's almost out for us homeschoolers (at our home, anyway!) Sounds a bit ironic, really, because when you school at home there's always some lesson awaiting a sound exhortation by Mom. And, of course, we will still be practicing our studies in home economics(maybe we'll get more cleaned in less time now that we can focus), Math(computing tabs to Mom for Sonic runs) and grammar usage(it may be Summer, but double negs. and ain't are still out of the question:) Really, I can't wait.

Anyone going to the Franklin Main Street Festival this weekend? I'm going to visit friends at Mamamade. Check out Urban Hen (Sharon Raines) and Sankai Yesu (Faye Maynard), as well as many other talented mamas, at Lilli Belle's Teahouse, right off the square in downtown Franklin. I pray the rain holds off because what better way to spend a Saturday morning than strolling around downtown Franklin? Haven't done that in a while... Maybe I'll see you there!